Booking a Crew Member


Our crew love Information

  • Dates and Job Status - How long is the job, over what period ? Is it a Confirmed job or a Quote Hold ?

  • Where is the job ? Auckland ? Queenstown ? Rarotonga (we wish) ? Multiple Locations ?

  • Who are the Key Crew and any relevant crew to the particular crew member you are booking.

  • Are there Unsocial Working hours like Night Shoots , Split days, Excessively long hours, Turn Around issues etc ?

  • Pre & Post Shoot - Prep days, Travel days, Down days, Wrap days - all that good stuff.

  • Relevant Info for the Crew Member - ie Camera team / VTR - multiple cameras ? Underwater ?

  • Does our Crew Member need an assistant ? Who is their preferred 2nd / 3rd ? Ask us, maybe we can help .